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Lake Norman Family Therapy Website





Lake Norman Family Therapy



Website design & implementation



Lake Norman Family Therapy is a small community counseling company based in the Charlotte, NC area. They provide an individualized approach to meeting the needs of both adults and children. Their services include family, group, couples and individual therapy in a broad range of issues ranging from anxiety and divorce to depression, eating disorders and more.


JS Challenge:

LNFT needed a user-friendly system available to doctors as well as clients to quickly and effectively input, verify and obtain vital documents and other information from the organization with discretion and privacy. Of prime importance was giving clients the ability to download necessary forms with ease to ensure that they were fully informed and prepared for their first appointment. With this protocol in place, more time could be freed up on the first visit to focus on therapy rather than paper work.


JS Solution:

Previously, Javery Solutions had created a strategic brand appeal for LNFT through a brochure designed to set them apart from other family therapy operations. We now developed their new website to maintain that brand look and feel while offering a sophisticated, premium level of interactivity. The goal was to immediately give their clients and doctors a sense of security and well being – distinguishing LNFT from other sites that came across as too clinical, sterile and impersonal. To build a relationship and achieve greater connection with new clients, we included information about — and a short self-recorded video from — each therapist. This warm introduction made the therapists more “human” and encouraged clients to be more relaxed and comfortable on their first appointment.



Lake Norman Family Therapy has achieved its goal of providing a dependable, easy to access website offering all the pre-appointment paperwork necessary … and delivered through a secure yet client-friendly system that encourages patient and doctor use.


·      74.8% of site visitors are new visitors

·      95% of clients now show up fully prepared for their first appointment

·      Clients have commented on their comfort level and ease using the new website system

·      Clients reported finding the new site helpful

·      88% of site visitors are geographically close – achieving the right target market

·      LNFT generated 00% higher revenue over the first 6 months of website operation attributed to an increase in new clients and greater satisfaction with office procedures



To discover what Javery Solutions can do for you …

contact Jennifer Avery today!

717 951-1546